Installation Guide New

BCA/NCC Specification D3.6 Requirements Location of Braille and Tactile Signs

Signs must be installed as follows:

  1. Braille and tactile components of a sign must be installed not less than 1200mm and not higher than 1600mm above the floor or ground surface.
  2. Signs with single lines of characters must have the line of tactile characters not less than 1250mm and not higher than 1350mm above the floor or ground surface.
  3. Signs identifying rooms or facilities must be installed on the wall latch side of the door with the leading edge of the sign located between 50mm and 300mm from the architrave.
  4. Where it is not possible to be installed latch door side of the wall, the sign may be installed on the door itself.
  5. Signs identifying a fire exit door must be installed on the side that faces a person seeking egress, and on the wall latch side of the door with the leading edge of the sign located between 50mm and 300mm from the architrave.
  6. Where it is not possible to be installed latch door side of the wall, the sign may be placed on the door itself.

Luminance Contrast

Signs must be installed to achieve the following luminance contrast requirements:

  1. The sign must have a luminance contrast with the surface on which it is mounted of not less than 30%.
  2. Luminance contrast must be met under the lighting conditions in which the sign is to be installed.


Signs must be illuminated to ensure luminance contrast requirements
are met at all times during which the sign is required to be read.

Left Hand & Right Hand Transfer Accessible Toilets

Right or left hand transfer.

Visual Glazing Strip

Visual glazing strips must be installed as follows:

1. Clean glass thoroughly with cleaning products before commencing installation.

2. Measure the glass panel width (edge to edge) and cut the visual glazing strip to size.

3. Measure 1000mm high from the ground and mark the glass panel on
each edge with a non-permanent marker or use a small piece of masking

4. Thoroughly spray the area including above and below where the
visual glazing strip is to be installed using a spray bottle with soapy
water (dishwashing liquid is highly recommended).

5. Remove the backing seal from the visual glazing strip and apply on
to the glass. Adjust if required before the soapy water dries up.

6. Use a rubber window squeegee (light application) to remove any
excess soapy water whilst holding the visual glazing strip in position.
Wipe any excess soapy water from the glass.

Tactile Ground Surface Indicators

Tactile indicators must be installed as follows:

1. Ensure the surface in free of debris, contaminants and moisture.
Some substrates may need to be water blasted before installation.

2. Wipe the area well with a clean rag using Acetone ensuring no residue is left on the surface.

3. If the surface is porous e.g., bitumen, seal the structure with a butyl primer or similar before installation.

4. Set out the area for the tile installation in accordance with AS1428.4.1-2009.

5. Remove paper backing from the tile and set tile into place. Press
all edges firmly down and knock each stud with a rubber mallet.

6. Ensure there is a positive bond between the tile and substrate.